Tuesday 15 April 2014

Every office has one!

What are the personality traits of these workers?

1. the whiz
2. the perfectionist
3. the paper
4. the gossip
5. the stirrer
6. the workaholic
7. the slave driver
8. the techno-freak
9. the yes-man

a. someone who cannot say no to superiors
b. someone who is very quick at solving problems
c. someone who is very good with technology
d. someone who likes to spread rumours and tell stories about others
e. someone who looks busy but is not very productive
f. someone who wants to get a job done perfectly
g. someone who works a lot
h. an employer who makes employees work very hard
i. someone who likes to cause problems to others

Friday 11 April 2014

Happy Easter!

Happy-William Pharrell

Listen to the song and fill in the gaps with the correct word.

It might seem ______ what I'm 'bout to say 
Sunshine she's here, you can take a ________
Mama - hot air balloon that could go to _______ 
With the air like I don't care, baby, by the way 

Because I'm happy... 
Clap along if you feel like a _____ without a roof 
Because I'm happy... 
Clap along if you feel like ____________ is the truth 
Because I'm happy... 
Clap along if you know what ___________ is to you 
Because I'm happy... 
Clap along if you feel like that's what you want to ___ 

[Verse 2] 
Here comes bad news, talkin' this and that 
But give me all you've got, and don't hold it ________
Well, I should probably warn you, I'll be just ______
No offense to you, don't _______ your time, here's why... 

Because I'm happy... 
Clap along if you feel like a _____ without a roof 
Because I'm happy... 
Clap along if you feel like ____________ is the truth 
Because I'm happy... 
Clap along if you know what ___________ is to you 
Because I'm happy... 
Clap along if you feel like that's what you want to ___ 

Bring me down... can't nothing... 
Bring me down... your love is too high... 
Bring me down... can't nothing... 
Bring me down, I said (let me tell you now) 
Bring me down... can't nothing... 
Bring me down... your love is too high... 
Bring me down... can't nothing... 
Bring me down, I said... 
[Hook x2] 

[Bridge 2] 
Bring me down... can't nothing... 
Bring me down... your love is too high... 
Bring me down... can't nothing... 
Bring me down, I said (let me tell you now) 

1.    Match the phrases with their meanings

a)      To clap along
b)      To take a break
c)      To seem crazy
d)      By the way
e)      Hold it back
f)       To warn sb
g)      Waste sb’s time

1.      Incidentally, notabene, just to add, marginally;
2.      To stop what you’re doing for a while;
3.      To clap your hands with everybody;
4.      To stop something, to delay;
5.      To say that something might be dangerous;
6.      To spend time doing stupid, unnecessary things;
7.      To look really strange;

British English Slang

You speak Greek...You just don't know it...

The 7 styles of learning

Thursday 3 April 2014

Panehellenic English Language Exams: Past Papers 2010-2013

2013 Panehellenic English Language Exams: Click HERE 

2012 Panehellenic English Language Exams: Click HERE 

2011Panehellenic English Language Exams: Click HERE 

2010 Panehellenic English Language Exams: Click HERE

Colours-'Pink', 'Brown', 'Grey', 'Yellow', 'Purple' Idioms

In the pink (of condition): in very good health.

Tickle somebody pink/to death: please/entertain somebody very much.

Tickled pink/to death: be pleased or entertained very much.

Rose pink and salmon pink are variations of the color pink.

Be in brown study: be in deep thought.

Do something up brown: to do something just right.

Get grey hair: get a big send-off, to have one’s hair turn grey from stress or frustration.

Give somebody grey hair: cause somebody great stress and frustration.

Grey area: an area of a subject that is difficult to put into a particular category, as it is not clearly defined.

Grey beard: old man.

Grey headed: old, of long service.

Yellow fever: tropical disease, causing the skin to turn yellow.

Yellow press: gutter press

Yellow bellied: coward

Show the yellow card.

Become/go/be purple with rage: be/become very angry.

Born in the purple: member of a royal family.

Going to school